Thursday, September 2, 2010

Why go to the fish market?

When the fish market will come to you!

At first, I couldn’t understand what was being announced over the megaphone so when I walked out onto the dirt road, I was shocked to find two men on tricycle selling fish! They had a microphone and radio hooked up to speakers, luring customers by incorporating their special of the day into their karaoke routine.

I’m pretty sure that the locals were amused by my excitement for the mobile fish market since it is quite typical for vendors in remote areas to use similar tactics to sell their goods. But wow, what a clever way to market and sell products!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Exclusive Interview with a Filipina Farmer

During my visit to Trinidad, Bohol I was able to meet with Josefina. She is a successful businesswoman who owns a sari-sari (general) store and has a farm with coconut fields, rice fields, a vegetable garden and various livestock. Clearly being a client of CEVI has done her some good!

If you're interested in learning how rice is planted, watch the VIDEO in my latest blog post on the Kiva Fellows Blog.